Venus will be in Aquarius on March 1st causing us to go from commitment-oriented Capricorn energy to a more hang-loose atmosphere in our love lives. So, what does that mean? We will have a month that is filled with unconventional dating vibes that gets us out of our old routines in our love life.
Aquarian energy is all about making connections and revolutionizing your life, so you are living with purpose. The urge to go out and mingle will be stronger than usual. This is going to get you out there with friends and try new places you’ve wanted to give a chance but didn’t know if it would be comfortable.
So, If you’ve been looking to shake things up in your love life the planetary energy is impressive for breaking out of the same old date’s different day sort of routine. In a nutshell, you’ll be open to ways, you can encounter new potential.
In situations where you’ve been unconcerned in meeting anyone, there will be a sudden urge to start dating again. You will be more open to going out to peruse the social scenes and take more risk to stumble upon new love interest. Also, you will be more interested in logging back into your dating profile to see if there is anyone new and exciting to strike up a conversation with for a possible romance.
Energetically you will be magnetic to those who are not generally what you go for and vice versa, but this is in a good way. The rebels, alternative plus bohemian types will catch your eye for a change, and you will be more inclined to give someone who is different than you a chance, but not in a way that is like settling, you are genuinely interested, and they’re also reciprocal. The way you make a connection won’t start out conventionally, but that will be intriguing to you leading to a romance that is exciting and refreshing.
Couples in stable relationships will experience a resurgence in their current situation. The energy of Venus going into this groundbreaking sign will help those who are already committed to each other spice up their relationship through stepping outside of their usual routine and going on exhilarating adventures with one another.
The Effects of Venus in Aquarius On Your Zodiac Sign
How will the planet of love affect you based on your Sign? Things should get colorful in a good way so go out and have fun this March! For this portion of the reading, it is good to use your Sun sign of course, but also relate it to Moon, or Rising Sign for the perfect fit, you can even mix or match them to get more out of this reading.
Single And Mingling: Socializing with your squad will put you in the right situation to meet that new person. Friendship will be what connects you and your newly found love interest so you will meet them through mutuals or someone you know will be your personal matchmaker. Your bold nature will get you into positions where you are attracting others who are open and unique. You will be the one who stands out in the crowd giving you the advantage to be seen by others; this will provide you with more dating options than you were expecting.
All Coupled Up: You and your spouse get all of the fun and benefits of a committed relationship along with a real friendship from one another. This means your bond becomes deeper because the two of you have real chemistry on a romantic level that goes beyond the superficial. Contact some friends for an adventurous double date and try something fresh that requires being more of a daredevil or something energetic that gets you guys moving.
Single And Mingling: Happy hour might be the place to meet your special someone or if you’re self-employed ask a friend if you can crash their after work shindig. You’re going to be alluring to people who have a ton of freedom in their career and are more so the solopreneur types. A spotlight will be on you highlighting your best attributes which draws the attention of those seeking a relationship with someone that has substance.
All Coupled Up: Your relationship has you stepping out of your usual Taurian value system because you are with someone who is very different than your typical type in lifestyle. However, this is what causes your love life to be exciting, and most importantly on your terms. Oddly enough, your relationship is more substantial because it is not traditional so there is less pressure on the two of you to be like everyone else.
Single And Mingling: Take a break from your local scene and try some new neighborhoods to explore, you will meet the type that is dressed in a spiritually cool manner or just has an open mind when it comes to New Age topics. They have a presence that is friendly so they will be easy to talk to without things getting awkward. One of the best places to meet your person of interest is anywhere comedians are performing, so head out to one of those stand-up shows that are hosted at a club rather than a large theater, and you will meet the eclectic person of your dreams.
All Coupled Up: A new found faith in your relationship helps you two move forward and get past anything you have been going through from previous months. You and your special someone finally connect on a spiritual level. You guys come to a place where you make decisions that will help your relationship become stronger than ever. Things become more grounded causing the two of you to let your hair down with one another.
Single And Mingling: You are attracting the deep types who usually are not your thing because of their alternative style, but you find yourself in a situation where you are drawn to their air of mystery. An excellent way to meet your person of interest is hanging around the areas of your town where the New Age crowds are having an event. So check out a psychic fair, gem and mineral show, or flea market that sells high vibe items.
All Coupled Up: The connection between you and your partner goes from a stagnant period and transforms into a stable relationship. You guys get to a place where you are able to share with one another on all levels which helps the two of you let your guard down and take steps that might have been scary. Stepping outside the box with your love is going to get your spouse and you sharing deeper feelings that needed to be expressed.
Single And Mingling: Your social scene will be filled with others that really want to get to know you, it is like you are beyond magnetic and are attracting the committed types. You are going to draw your opposite in lifestyle or zodiac sign so there might be an Aquarius lurking around who’s ready to show you what you’ve been missing or a person from a completely different social scene. The best place to meet your future other half would be at a fun art gallery, plus areas where there is an experimental music scene.
All Coupled Up: Suddenly the change you’ve been craving finally happens in your relationship. Your partner finally devotes their time to you giving you tons of attention and affirmations of their feelings. Polarities that generally cause problems actually brings you two together; so your spouse will be on the same wavelength as you. These complementary energies will create balance in your relationship.
Single And Mingling: Sometimes you could just be minding your own business and living your day-to-day life then you are suddenly getting attention from unexpected people. Your unswerving personality is going to pull in stable yet free-spirited types that like to live in a way that is unpredictable. The best way to meet this person is through community events, charity soirées to help cats and dogs, or hanging out in places where others have a cause to serve people in need. It could even be something as simple as volunteering at a wine tasting or Brewfest to meet the person of your dreams.
All Coupled Up: As weird as it might seem you two shake things up buy just doing the little things, like the simple stuff helps your relationship. Life takes a turn for the better when the two of you decide to just go out and do something cliché like dinner and a movie. You guys turn what others find ordinary into a new normal with an exciting twist.
Single And Mingling: Creative pursuits help you get out of the house and hanging out with people who are fun and artsy. Your charming personality will attract the types that generally aren’t on your radar so you will be taken by surprise with the love interest that comes into your life. Hanging at cultural events is a fabulous place to meet someone who is entertaining, attractive, and extroverted.
All Coupled Up: Your partner is more bold and expressive than usual with their feelings letting you know how much they want you. The levels of playful energy will be higher than usual leading to adventures at the last minute which really helps bring a new dynamic to your relationship. Get out and try a unique date night thing like going to an Improv performance, or something theatrical.
Single And Mingling: Emotionally, you need more security than ever before. This is an excellent time to make sure you are taking care of yourself because you want to feel balanced and shine brightly when the right person comes into your life. It’s all about trying something different so if you do not feel like you want to be at big crowded places throw a small get together at home or check your inbox to see if there are any invites to house parties. Allow your friends to bring a plus one because it will give you an opportunity to meet someone who is unique, yet just your speed.
All Coupled Up: Your relationship requires all of your attention right now so find something that is in an intimate setting where you guys can just escape from your usual crowd and have one-on-one time together. Take this opportunity to get away for a weekend at a cute AirBnb, cozy cabin, or where you guys cohabitate for a fun couple of days away from everyone; turn off your phones and shut the world out.
Single And Mingling: Narrow down what are the hotspots in your town and go out for a night of adventure and all kinds of mischievous antics. Go to a pub that has adult sized games like Jenga, Connect-Four, or Beer Pong because it’s the best place to meet said person. They might be on the intellectual side, the gamer that loves to play on the PS4, or an attractive individual with a nerdy side which isn’t your type, but they are lots of fun, so you decide to be open-minded and give them a chance.
All Coupled Up: Intellectual vibes fill your relationship, and the two of you need to have conversations with one another that is stimulating. There is a need to change things up in the way you communicate, and this helps get you two understanding one another on a deeper level. The need for quality time and mental stimulation will be necessary so try going out for a trivia night at a local bar or any activity that involves brainiac games. This will be an excellent way to connect and have fun outside your usual scene.
Single And Mingling: Foodie events will be the perfect escapes to find that new person that gives you butterflies; check out wine, or chocolate tastings. Anything that involves food in a sophisticated way will be it for you. Additionally, visit some artsy scenes and go gallery hopping because it’s the best place to find someone who is outside your norm, but they surprisingly have the same values as you.
All Coupled Up: Instead of restricting yourselves you and your partner should step outside your comfort zone and splurge on one another. Luxury shopping spree or fabulous locations is on the agenda to get you two out of your homebody rut. However, if you are still in the mood to be home because you want something that is low key yet comfortable make a DIY home spa for the two of you and luxuriate at your dwelling.
Single And Mingling: You’re going to be the most magnetic person to walk into any room. Being outside of the norm is where you shine, people will be drawn to your original style. You are able to show who you are and meet someone who appreciates that. For this reason, you are going to be attracting more of the opposite types to yourself, so there is a chance your outgoing nature might pull in a Leo that’s the strawberries to your champagne.
All Coupled Up: Normally you aren’t the type to show emotions, but you are open to a different way of approaching your relationship. It is easier for you to be bold and honest, and bring a new found sense of adventure into your connection with one another. You shake things up with your brilliant ideas causing your partner to be open to whatever you suggest.
Single And Mingling: For the most part you want to chill and not be around a ton of people, but if you do it will be with your group of friends which can lead to being introduced to one of their mutuals. Also, you decide to bust out of your rut and try social media, and dating apps to see what is out there. This is going the be the best way to meet potentials because you want to peruse the dating pool, but still, be hang-back.
All Coupled Up: Instead of hiding your feelings you become more open and flirtier with your partner. You two are able to be more giving on a deep level, bringing a ton of understanding and emotions to your relationship. This is a time to try a scene that isn’t overly crowded but full of substance and cultured individuals.
Transits Connected to Venus in Aquarius and How they Affect Us as a Collective
The aspects connected to this sign ingress will bring influences on a level that is shared by society so you will get to observe these themes play out with the people you know or on a level that is relatable to your life. Go to to see where these alignments are in your chart so you can get a better idea of what to do if any of these aspects are connecting to your natal planets.
Venus S*xtile Mercury Intellectually Charming
A nice mix of Mercury in Pisces and Venus in Aquarius will get you being social and flirty in an abstract way. Friendly communication is the highlight of this kind of energy bringing in the types that are smart and attractive. This is going to bring out your intellectual side as well giving you the opportunity to meet potentials that have their lives together and have depth on many levels.
Venus Square Uranus: Breaking Free From Restriction in Your Love Life
If there have been any restrictions from partners, others opinions, or self-imposed ideals that hold people back from being happy in love this will be a time to break free from those situations. This is a time to take bold steps that liberate you from restrictions and get you out of a slow, stagnant life. It is time to look at new ways to revamp your style, where the clothes that make you feel good about yourself, or do your hair the way you’ve always wanted.
Venus SemiSquare Neptune Dreamy Live Music and Blind Idealism
Romantic vibes are going to cause people to be bolder and forward when pursuing others. This is going to be a time where idealism is high which is great as long as you make sure you are using clear judgment. There is a tendency to overlook flaws in others that might be problematic later on. Music and dancing at concerts or in your home with friends is the best way to counter the adverse side effects of this aspect.
Venus Conjunct Pluto” Soul Connections and Relationships Go to The Next Level
Total devotion is given to stable relationships, and things are taken to the next level. There will be an intense attraction between couples bringing on a bit of obsessive energy and jealousy. Singles will get an opportunity to meet someone who’s serious about them and have a connection that is on a soul level.
CHIRON S*XTILE VENUS: Healing Your Love Life So You Can Finally Have A Stable Relationship
Chiron making this transit with Venus is going to give people the opportunity to let go of unhealthy attachments in their love life and move forward. If there are those who have put their all in a relationship with no return, this is a time to walk away and learn to honor one’s self. It’s crucial that you recognize your ability to make others feel comfortable, but it’s imperative to also take that energy to do the same for yourself.
Revolutionize The Way You Date
Being outside of the box is the attitude that will have you winning in your love life. The Aquarian energy is here for you to take this opportunity to open your mind to the possibilities on how you can revolutionize the way you date so you gain an advantage you didn’t have before. Be free and receptive to change because it will put you in a position to find what you need in your love life.