Find out which is the ideal date for each zodiac sign.
When two people meet and start to have an interest in each other, the desire to get to know each other more and more becomes stronger. It follows that sooner or later, in addition to meeting sporadically or in the midst of other people, they will opt to go out alone, giving life to their first date. This meeting is very important because it helps both of you to understand if you have things in common if the attraction can grow and if you want to spend more time together. In short, during the first date, most people can understand if there is the possibility of giving life to a story or if it is absolutely to be excluded. Many times, therefore, a dream first date can change the fate of a story a lot by bringing a love to blossom or pushing the two sides to desist from any attempt. But how can you hope for a perfect exit? The truth is that every zodiac sign has its ideal date and, after seeing if 2019 will be a lucky or unlucky year, today we will try to investigate each sign, understanding what they expect from the first date. To better understand it is always advisable to also check the profile of your ascendant. If you don’t know, you can easily calculate it thanks to the article on how to calculate the ascendance of each zodiac sign. Enjoy the reading.
Horoscope: here is the ideal first date of each sign of the zodiac
Aries – A fun day
The ideal date for those born under the sign of Aries must be stimulating and fun. A good choice can therefore be the funfair, the disco or a game of billiards to conclude with a romantic dinner. What matters is to give them the opportunity to vent their need for competitiveness, which will increase adrenaline and interest in the person in front of them. In this way, among other things, they will be able to understand if they can have fun and if there is a future to imagine together.
Taurus – A romantic dinner… at home
Taurus natives need to never stray too far from their comfort zone, for this reason the ideal date is within the walls of their home, where they feel at ease. A dinner to cook and good music to play in the background will be what will make the evening special. Of course, this will only happen if the company is up to the task. If so, the homely atmosphere will ensure that everything goes smoothly.
Gemini – A cinema followed by a dinner
Gemini are people who constantly need to feel stimulated and who tend to get bored easily. When they have to go on a first date they always hope for a plan B and cinema is exactly what they need, giving them the chance to have something to watch if the other person turns out to be boring. If things go well, a dinner together will be the perfect way to exchange opinions and talk about yourself, spontaneously discovering if a first outing will be followed by others.
Cancer – A Romantic Walk
Cancer natives are extremely romantic, which is why a walk in a park or in a pleasant neighborhood can be perfect for making them feel at ease, giving them the opportunity to savor the atmosphere they so badly need. Completing everything with an ice cream or hot chocolate will give them the feeling of being pampered, making them understand immediately if they want to continue with the frequentation or if it is better to stop.
Leo – A dinner in a luxury restaurant
Those born under the sign of Leo need to always feel at the center of attention. Being able to dress well and be noticed as well as receiving all the usual attention is therefore the perfect way for them to have a first date carried out. The alternative would be to create a situation in which they can feel the only protagonists, which would make their mood brilliant, to the point of making everything appear more beautiful and making them notice the person who is next to them and who is able to satisfy their need.
Virgo – Any Way Out
Virgo natives don’t need big things. If a person interests him, he likes to live it in a normal context, in order to understand what a lasting relationship could be like. For this reason, he loves to live things with simplicity, behaving like on an ordinary day. After all, the thought of him is very simple: if the person is special, her company will be enough for the appointment to go well.
Libra – An outing full of details
Those born under the sign of Libra love to surround themselves with beautiful things and next to them they need people who know how to recognize them and enjoy them with them. A perfect appointment is therefore one in which there are many small details ready to enrich the output. A nice place to visit, good things to eat and little pampering that all together make them feel special and the center of attention. Just like they always wish to feel in a relationship.
Scorpio – A place where you feel at home
Finding the perfect place for the first date of those born under the sign of Scorpio is not at all easy. In fact, the natives of the sign love to go to places that have some resonance for them and where they can feel at home. It is therefore understandable that these places change from person to person and that to guess them you will need to know them at least a little. An example? If they love comics, the perfect place will be a park near their favorite comic store. If they love sushi, take them to their favorite restaurant. Emotions are more important to them than you think.
Sagittarius – A party
Going against all convention, the natives of Sagittarius, even when it comes to a first date, do not draw the idea of a good party. This will allow them to feel free and enjoy each other’s company without too much effort. And between cocktails, a dance could be revealing of growing feelings and able to make him want another date, this time in a more ostentatious place.
Capricorn – At the restaurant
Those born under the sign of Capricorn love simple and somewhat traditional things. An outing to a restaurant is therefore an option they don’t mind at all for their first date. Especially if it is a place with a beautiful view or where it is possible to observe passers-by. In this way it will be possible to converse more and less interacting regardless of the form. In short, the perfect way to get to know each other.
Aquarium – A nice ride around the center
While loving the tranquility of their home, if they have to go out for a first date, the natives of the Aquarium do not draw a walk around the center. This way they won’t feel the pressure of the moment, while focusing on who is next to them. And if things go well, nothing excludes continuing with a good movie or a romantic dinner.
Pisces – A Picnic by the Lake
Pisces are extremely romantic, which is why a walk by the lake with a picnic lunch will be a good way for them to get to know each other and spend some pleasant time together. A valid alternative is an afternoon outing in a nice tea room. What matters is to recreate an informal atmosphere in which to feel at ease and enjoy simple moments. The same ones that they look for in a relationship and that if they are created are the sign of a knowledge that can proceed further.