February Is Going To Turn Life Around For These 4 Zodiacs

This is the month you finally snap out of your funk, Scorpio. You’ve abandoned the small rituals that have historically brought you the most joy. You’ve felt weighed down by a stress and ennui without a clear source or cause. But one day this month, with equally little explanation, you’re going to feel like yourself again. You’ll order the iced latte with extra syrup and the barista will compliment your hair. You’ll get in the car, and after months of not liking any of your old music, find the perfect playlist for your commute. So many little things will click that a momentum builds like falling dominos, pushing you towards a critical moment where a decision needs to be made. A recruiter or potential date reaches out, and finally you will be in the right mindset to say yes. After so much uncertainty and discomfort in your own skin, your confidence and zest for life will be restored.
You know that thing, Virgo? The thing you blame for all of your unhappiness and negative energy? The thing you sometimes wish for as if you had ESP or could do magic like Harry Potter or Matilda? Like a terrible co-worker finally quitting, or a stoplight getting put up at the intersection with horrendous traffic, or people behaving civilized in public or on the internet? Well, this is that month your wish finally comes true. Be shocked. Be stunned. Let your jaw drop fully to the floor. And then, let yourself fully contemplate the ways you can now change your life, and your attitude for the better without this longstanding excuse or roadblock in your way. You are literally and metaphorically free from the ball and chain you’ve been carrying around with you like a Dickensian ghost since god knows when. You may feel so much lighter you start to float.
You’re going to come into some money, Pisces. Some fun money. Not the change your name and wear a disguise kind of money. The kind of money you blow on drinks, dinner, and dessert. Or pay off your credit cards with. The kind of money that takes a load off, or fixes the tire on your car, or lasers off the unwanted hair on your lip. The things we want and need as adults, but don’t ask for for Christmas. That’s what this month affords you. The good choices you made last year, the work you put in has yielded rewards that are fully deserved. So relish in these moments where you get to live it up as a result. Store these highs somewhere in your memory where you can readily access the instant replay when times get tough. Maybe you’ll have a physical reminder to look at. Something that says, life can be good to you too.
A minor inconvenience is going to be taken care of this month, Aries. Something you’ve found it beneath you to complain about. But like earwax or an untied shoe, having the problem resolved is going to immediate improve your quality of life. It will make you reevaluate whether to leave such small issues unaddressed if the fixes are this impactful. You have failed to realize that even the tiniest issue, when prolonged long enough can cause real damage. So learn from this experience and save yourself future trouble. Enjoy the freedom and peace of mind, and remember that you deserve to be a priority, even if it’s just to yourself. Sometimes you are the person most uniquely positioned to help yourself. To scratch your own back. To articulate your own feelings. February is where you find your voice.