Zodiac Signs

Energy to Passion, the Trine Brings Luck to Three Signs: Love Will Reach the Stars!

The week begins with maximum energy, thanks to an Astral Transit that brings luck and lots of love. Besides, isn’t this what our dear signs are looking for?

The firmament smiles and shines as if it were giving a gift to 3 signs that will experience great fortune, and with it also the thrill of love. We’re not just talking about singles and couples, but also about those who have fallen in love with someone and can’t get it out of their thoughts! Often the two extremes are taken into consideration, not realizing that in the end, almost everyone experiences this indecipherable and immense feeling. Relationships are made of hard work. Those in which both partners are committed are destined to go far, while others should cut ties: love lives in the heart of those who can give it! Here is the transit which favors powerful energies and new changes.

We are talking about a Trigon and Aspect of the Planets, which is a positioning, which sees the two most discussed planets of the firmament at a distance of 120° respectively. Venus of love, and Mars of war, what will they do? They will give way to a powerful and energetic force of attraction, which will make the signs feel capable of being able to do anything. After all, isn’t it love that causes this emotion?

Let’s say that everyone will be somewhat conditioned by this Aspect, but above all three will be able to obtain what they desire. The love of those they desire because they will put themselves on the line without being at the mercy of fears and bad moods.

Love dominates the 3 most fortunate signs, today they will sparkle!

Therefore, we are not advising the most fortunate signs to throw themselves on the person they like and to make “sparks”, but to channel the energies they have with them in the best possible way and which are favored by the Planets in play. It’s about being proactive towards the whole world, especially with yourself and with what you would like to be born. Love is unpredictable, perhaps the story of Cupid who capriciously shoots arrows is not a myth so far from the truth, but only for those who know how to hold on to it will this be indestructible. Myth or no myth, love must be nurtured every day, and only the bravest succeed.

In the first place, Pisces, the perfect partner meets the ideal mate

He is the partner everyone would like, too bad they only understand him after losing him. A special and unpredictable person, he knows how to amaze and make his love feel pampered, but when he decides it’s over, he doesn’t return. He stalls only when he’s not sure, but the situations in the balance make him suffer, just like the last one in which he is entangled. Advice: today he will have to deal with someone who particularly interests him, if he puts himself on the line by exposing himself, he will understand if this relationship can be something more than a simple friendship.

Virgo follows, saying goodbye to toxicity, only love, and well-being!

The lover who makes his partner want nothing is like the friend above. He is the one who once lost forever is regretted, but he is never the first choice. Let’s say that the friends of the sign are a bit like the “Bridget Jones” of the situation, but nobody loves them the way they do. Advice: a disappointment has opened a new heaven, forgetting the past it will be possible to favor encounters that can leave you surprised in a rather pleasant way. No more toxic partners, starting today only what makes you feel good, that’s worth fighting for!

Last in the standings, but not in love, is Scorpio, what happiness!

Cold only at first glance, because you surrender to your partner. He’s not an outgoing person, but he makes gestures of love, and when he does it, he does it with all of himself. He hardly forgives, but he’s profound, so he knows he’s wrong, and with a look, he knows how to make it up to you. Advice: The couple’s relationship is facing a tragic period due to the changes. It would be better to take some time for yourself, but just to breathe, because the love he feels is the rare kind that can never be forgotten, but evolves.

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