Zodiac Signs

Defects of men in a relationship, depending on their sign. What to expect!

Alarm signals exist for a reason.

Have you ever met a new person and found out right away that something is wrong with him or her because he or she has given you negative energy? Or did you have a relationship with someone who seemed perfect at first, but as you got to know him better, he revealed another side of you that was less pleasant?
Luckily for you, astrology can warn you what to expect from a man and how to deal with unpleasant situations!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Aries is known as a temperamental person and is even better known for his tantrums that are triggered when something goes wrong as he wants or proposes.

His exaggerated and emotional personality causes him to have impulsive reactions, similar to those of children, a trait that is not conducive to mature relationships.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Taurus is always overjoyed when he meets new people, which means that flirting is the order of the day.

He is not romantically impulsive, but he would not refuse a free drink from a nice waitress or a sensual exchange over the counter.

If you feel able to handle this situation in a relationship, then go ahead with your Taurus.

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

Gemini means double trouble. What can you expect from this native?

The alarm signal regarding a relationship with him is his unpredictability, which can mean inconsistency in his mood and decision making.

Now you will feel love and, in the next moment, he can treat you as if you did not exist.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Cancer tends to share too much with those it loves, but there are times when it is extremely secretive.

This behavior can damage emerging or existing relationships. It is not a question of wanting to distance her partner, but of avoiding conflicts and discussions about certain situations that she does not understand.

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

It is said that Leo cannot let go of the past.

He will almost always be reminded of the latter situations and discussions if his ego is hurt. Unearth the negative things that happened between you at one point, which is not at all constructive for a relationship.

This sign can be friendly and temporarily forgiving but rarely forgets.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

If the Virgo native says it’s OK, then this is an alarm signal. This vague answer may indicate that his feelings are boiling inside, ready to explode. And when that happens, be careful!

The virgin likes to always have control over her emotions, which makes outbursts rare but lethal.

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

Sharing your life with another person and always having company can be great. But it can also be a problem.

Because the Libra native is a follower of this kind of relationship, he never has the opportunity to think for himself, to make his own decisions, or to connect with his individual needs.

He is often too focused on making himself pleasant and forgets about himself and seems to be living someone else’s life.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

When Scorpio begins to feel unimportant in his relationships, he begins to release his venom.

Scorpio’s jealousy can quickly intensify if he thinks his partner is playing with him or if he is not treating him properly.

When its limits are forced, its temperament radically changes.

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

The fear of being tied to one person for life makes Sagittarius act savagely and create uncertainty about the future of his relationship.

Don’t ignore messages you receive late at night from unknown numbers, don’t overlook changing or forgetting your plans, or not reading your messages by the hour. All these are alarm signals!

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn can be a very loyal partner, but sometimes he can be extremely competitive with you. This can be confusing at first, after all, how can someone you love be jealous of your friends or your popularity? But unfortunately, that may be true.

Beware of these discreet nuances that could manifest themselves in something worse, such as false gossip about yourself.

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius is quite cold, but the truth is that it makes him feel comfortable.

Being cold and distant about love and romance can make him seem indifferent many times. It can be difficult to read and understand what he is thinking. But, don’t put pressure on the relationship in an attempt to understand her feelings.

You better stay away from him unless he shows that he is able to express himself openly.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

This native falls in love too intensely and gets totally involved too quickly.

Although this feeling is great, it is always advisable to slow down and try to get to know the person next to you better before committing yourself fully.

What starts so fast ends the same way. His passion will be extinguished, it will be totally consumed.

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