Zodiac Signs


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According to the zodiac, there are 5 signs that give off intense negative energy. Find out who I am

Do you know the law of attraction? According to this theory, everything we think about ends up necessarily materializing in our life. Therefore, if we emanate an energy of gratitude, the benefits the universe gives us multiply. By the principles of this law, negative thoughts have the power to bog us down in a spiral of sadness and bitterness.

We all know someone around us who is extremely negative. Pessimistic and grumpy, she is a person who has the intimate conviction that fate continues to rage against her. Unfortunately, this state of mind can contaminate the entourage that will be mired in a vicious circle.

According to astral configurations, these five signs are likely to constantly dwell on negative thoughts:

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Natives of this sign have little emotional intelligence and are driven by their pride. They have no qualms about using the worst subterfuges to achieve their goals. Driven by a constant desire for revenge, they are often jealous and vengeful. Arrogant and haughty, they treat their peers with contempt and indelicacy. Their violent behavior is sometimes symptomatic of a profound lack of self-confidence. Pessimism and complaints invade the surrounding environment with toxic suggestions.

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Under their cheerful and industrious airs, the natives of this sign are haunted by negativity. Highly prone to criticism, they won’t hesitate to blame their entourage for the worst. Their constant victimization will prompt them to seek a scapegoat, responsible for all their failures. This desire to make others feel guilty will lead them to temporarily hide their weaknesses. They would benefit from taking stock so as not to taint relationships that have taken a long time to build.

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Natives of this sign unconsciously tend to poison their surroundings with their negativity. Deeply selfish, they resort to the worst compromises to achieve their goals. Convinced that an enemy is trying to harm them, they will be in a constant state of paranoia. This intimate belief will force them to wall themselves into toxic silence. This temperament reflects deep cracks and difficulties in making genuine contact with others. They would benefit from staying away from their emotions to preserve their relationships.

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Very inclined to melancholy, a simple disappointment will be enough to compromise the good mood of Cancer. Convinced that they are victims of those around them, they will make their loved ones feel guilty in an unstoppable search for compassion. Deeply negative, their aura will be so dark as to invade the room. Convinced that others are more inclined to happiness, they will indulge in an attitude of self-sabotage. Natives of this sign would better focus their energy on gratitude and love. If their deleterious behavior continues, it could have a profound impact on their relationships with those around them.

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Tortured and extravagant, the energy of the natives of this sign reaches the abyss of negativity. Their passion for turning enthusiasm into bitterness disarms those around them. Struck by resentment, they will use all their resources to implement plans for Machiavellian revenge. Their grave ingratitude will lead their loved ones to extremes, which will eventually drift apart for good. Natives of this sign would gain to be aware of the offensive nature of their words.

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