Zodiac Signs

A Tarot Reader Predicts What Every Zodiac Can Expect This Spring


Your card: Queen of Wands

This spring, even if things don’t go your way, you should have the determination to stay in a good mood regardless. Sometimes things aren’t how you want them to be, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the best out of your situation regardless. You decide how you’ll react.


Your card: 10 of Cups

Your happiness will be coming from all angles this spring. While things will be happening in your life that you’ve always wanted, you also have this indomitable spirit that’s putting you in a great mood no matter what happens. Blame it on the sunshine and warming weather!


Your card: 9 of Wands

This spring will be tiring with everything you have to do. It can be tough to get so much work done when it feels like an end goal is just out of reach. It’ll take stamina and resilience but you’ll get through it just fine.


Your card: Strength

Practice both inner and outer strength this spring. Strength is about courage in the face of fear. While you can be scared of something, you control what you do with that emotion. Will you cower in defeat or stand strong knowing that you can handle anything?


Your card: The Star

Find your purpose this spring. This season is all about growing after a long period without, and that can be true for you, too. Just look toward the things–large and small–that inspire you. Once you find your muse, your vision for your future will become clear.


Your card: 9 of Swords

Your anxiety will be high this spring, but luckily you probably have coping mechanisms already in place to help you. Do the things that distract that annoying part of your brain that tries to sabotage you. Laugh, spend time with friends, go to therapy, and you should get through it okay.


Your card: The Magician

You’re powerful this spring when it comes to manifesting what you want. Figure out how you want your life to go and look for the little opportunities that can get you there. Just be sure to pick opportunities that help you, and not hurt you.


Your card: King of Cups

Look for balance this spring. Even when tough things come your way, you get to choose how you react. Emotional control will get you a long way and could make or break how you deal with people at this time.


Your card: Ace of Wands

Your spring will be full of creative inspiration. This is a perfect time to make art or learn a new craft. Make stuff and hang it up in your home or give it to your friends for birthdays. Surround yourself with art and your spring will turn out great.


Your card: The World

A project or life path you’ve been working on for a while is now finally at its close this spring. While it might feel bittersweet to see it end, you can celebrate knowing that you finally achieved something so monumental. Good job!


Your card: The Tower

A sudden change will find you this spring and it will upend how you see things. It could be a relationship that goes sideways or a life expectation that crumbles. Try to think of this not as a season of despair, but an awakening for a new phase of your life.


Your card: Knight of Cups

Follow your heart this spring. While you do generally check in with your emotions when it’s time to make a decision, you often let your head get the last word. Not this season. Your heart and your gut instincts will know exactly what to do.

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