Zodiac Signs

5 zodiac signs that will end the year 2022 as single

5 Zodiac signs are particularly difficult when it comes to relationships and will therefore most likely end the year 2022 without a partner. You can find out what these are in this article.

Scorpio (October 24th – November 22nd)

Scorpios are known to be closed and withdrawn beings, and relationships with them are often difficult. You have to get used to their closeness and secrecy and come to terms with the fact that they always have little periods of defiance.

Not many people want to deal with this behavior and therefore avoid personalities with the zodiac sign Scorpio.

Scorpios, on the other hand, are very loyal and passionate. They want to feel safe under all circumstances and therefore seek protection and care in their relationships. The Scorpio will question his actions again and again.

Because he wants to be sure that what he’s doing is worth the effort. Lots of people have a lot of fun with a Scorpio, especially in the bedroom, at least at the beginning of the relationship.

However, after a while they realize how dependent and needy they really are and how prone to jealousy attacks they are. Some people are simply overwhelmed by this and then quickly end the relationship again.

If the Scorpio does not manage to switch off or at least suppress his closed and sometimes control-addicted nature in a relationship, then he will probably not find a suitable partner for himself in 2022 and end up alone.

Leo (July 23rd – August 23rd)

Leo people are known for their passion and dedication. A Leo knows exactly what they want and will take it as soon as they get the chance. Unfortunately, this also has its downsides.

Because sometimes the Leo overestimates himself and plans too much, and he listens too often to his “false pride” and so often messes up interpersonal relationships.

Sometimes he trusts himself to do things he is not up to and then crashes with them. This also applies to his partnerships.

Often times, Leo has high expectations at the beginning of a relationship and they assume that all of these expectations will soon be met, although it should be noted that they also have these expectations of themselves.

However, the truth is that no one can meet these expectations, not even himself. Because of this, after a short time he is disappointed in his partner.

You get bored very quickly. Then they move on and headlessly plunge into the next adventure again. In the worst case, this cycle can repeat itself for a lifetime. It is therefore very likely that by the end of 2022 he will be alone and without a partner.

Libra (September 24th – October 23rd)

The Libra is very critical and even a little negative in some ways. They worry about all kinds of things and are quick to pass their worries on to those around them, which can make people feel uncomfortable around a Libra.

Because they live a lot in their own head and strive for perfectionism, they are rather unsuitable for relationships. Because things don’t always go according to plan.

The good thing about this, however, is that Libra people want the best for the people they love. They’ll give you space when you need it, and in the worst case scenario, they’ll even let you go because they love you.

People in the zodiac sign Libra can put their own needs aside and be there for you.

However, you have to live with the fact that they are obsessed with making things better and are constantly looking for solutions, whether you want to or not. You will get the feeling that your relationship can never be optimal and that your partner cannot accept it for what it is.

He will keep thinking that something is wrong and will try to perfect it. These and a few other reasons will ensure that Libra will be alone and without a partner by the end of 2022.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Pisces love their job, especially if they are in a nursing or have a job where they can help or be creative, and would always prefer them to other things. Therefore, deep relationships with people have little place in their lives.

Fish are also particularly resentful. You work hard and have high standards. They find it difficult to forgive mistakes because they attach great importance to doing everything perfectly. This often makes it difficult for Pisces to make commitments.

Although they are loyal partners and take care of other people around them, they always want you to live by their rules and share their values. If you like to compromise, Pisces man might be ideal for you.

Otherwise, you shouldn’t have too high expectations of him. Because it won’t change or bend for you.

Pisces people prefer to do their own thing without worrying about others. Therefore, in 2022, they will most likely be left without a partner.

Cancer (June 22nd – July 22nd)

Since Cancer is considered the “good soul” of the zodiac signs, it is likely that it will end up alone. He is at the top of the list of signs of the zodiac that will most likely be left alone. They just have too good a heart, which can often be a curse.

The cancer also has high self-esteem and will have trouble adjusting to or compromising on other people.

It’s no surprise that he is alone most of the time. Although he actually wants to connect with someone and is looking for a soul that is similar to his own.

However, he closes himself off very quickly as soon as he has the feeling that he is revealing too much about himself. In this way he tries to protect himself.

That also makes it incredibly difficult for him to develop a deep connection with someone. This is also why the person who is born with the zodiac sign Cancer will end up being single in 2022.

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