Do you think that rummaging through your partner’s phone for accusatory and suspicious messages is a waste of time? If so, chances are you’ll be part of the zodiac signs who don’t usually get jealous when they enter into a romantic relationship.
These people are all naturally confident, less suspicious, and less traditional in their reflections on engagement in relationships. While all the signs of the zodiac can be jealousy at times, for some it can become sick.
For others, it is fleeting and jealousy quickly wears off. Or those who, in the face of jealousy, immediately walk away from the situation, refusing to feel envious or insecure.
If this all sounds familiar to you, chances are you’ll be part of the signs that they tend not to get jealous in relationships.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
If there is one thing that defines Sagittarius, it is their appreciation of freedom and independence. This sign cannot bear being closed down or restricted by someone else. His way of thinking is fundamentally incompatible with jealousy.
Sure, it can be briefly at times, but in the end, jealousy isn’t his thing. On the other hand, this is a sign that he is in no rush to get involved, so he is realistic about who is dating other people and will likely have no expectations from your first meeting.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Aquarius is a nonchalant and easygoing sign, for which jealousy is simply not a problem. In the rare cases where jealousy has emerged, it tends to get rid of it quickly.
However, if for some reason the jealousy persists, as if a partner intentionally wanted to make him jealous, the Aquarius will simply withdraw from the relationship.
It is a sign that he has no interest in dominating or possessing his partner, rather he is the type that allows him to do what he wants. If the partner goes beyond the limits, the Aquarius will leave the relationship immediately.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces is a sign that truly appreciates the love and thirst for traditional romance. When she falls in love, she seeks commitment and security in her relationships.
However, he prefers to respect his partner’s space and give him enough space to do his activities.